Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Need to lose fucking pregnancy weight

I just want to you be in good health and look sexy for my boyfriend and looking fucking hot again.

My bestfriend has two fat ugly kids and she looks awesome after and I am so jealous.

There is no way around it but I have to work hard in the gym. I have to go to work in a couple of weeks since we need 2 incomes to make it.

I finally listened to this girl who I originally had no respect for in a physical sense and the routine she recommended has taken off enough weight where he wants to fuck me again,

I was a chain smoker and I had to try and quit and I guess with the thought I may die before my baby hit 3 I needed to do it. I heard that i had to get a super physical schedule to keep the cravings to a minimum and to breathe right so I just did it...

But at the same time I started the shit she did and it has kicked ass...

I eat a ton of bananas and drink a shit load of water..What the fuck ? Nasty !

But I listened b/c Im jealous and its working like I couldnt imagine

I have to say that I didnt realize I went from an ugly prego to a hottie my man wanted to fuck again while I was an immobile receptionist at a dentists office !

My girlfriend hooked me up

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